Hi there!

I’m a postdoctoral researcher working in the field of cosmology at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Pennsylvania with Prof Bhuvnesh Jain. I’m also postdoctoral fellow at the Warren Center for Data and Network Sciences.

I mainly work in the field of observational cosmology, with an interest on multi-probe analysis, i.e. combining large galaxy surveys (DES, LSST) and cosmic microwave background observations to measure cross-correlations and better constrain cosmological models. I’m also interested in tackling various problems related to gravitational lensing in galaxy surveys with bayesian deep-learning techniques, such as deblending or galaxy interactions in clusters. Finally, I am also keen on more theoretical matters, such as dark energy and (loop) quantum cosmology.

Before that, I completed a PhD at Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie of Université Paris-Diderot in Paris, France, under the supervision of Ken Ganga and Eric Aubourg. My PhD dissertation (in English) can be found here. And even before, I studied theoretical physics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris.

I am a member of several science collaborations: SDSS, LSST and Euclid.

Outside of work, I was vice president of the French Physicists’ Tournament, an innovative training for undergraduate students by and for research supported by the French Academy of Science and the French Physical Society (in which I am a member of the “Junior” Commission).